Welcome to Smart Health Digital Innovation HUB
Smart Health DIH is the health care innovation ecosystem based in Vilnius (Lithuania). It aims at innovative solutions to promote health, prevent disease and provide resilient, accessible and effective patient-centered care that meets European citizens’ needs.
Smart Health DIH was established to build appropriate frameworks and amounts of high quality patient-centered health data for high performance computing, data analytics and artificial intelligence, which can help design and test new healthcare products, provide faster diagnosis and better personalized health interventions
Smart Health DIH solutions aim at contributing to increase in citizens’ secure access to and sharing of health data across platforms, better data to advance research, disease prevention and personalized health care, providing digital tools for citizen empowerment and person-centered care
As Smart Health DIH was established to facilitate the full innovation chain, from basic research to market uptake, it consists of participants from academia, the public sector, and the private sector: major national healthcare centers and research / educational institutions, international healthcare equipment manufacturers, NGOs, technology providers and facilitators.
Smart Health DIH partners join their resources to implement the new care models and the digital evidence based results, which provide the necessary means for delivery of efficient and cost-effective prevention and care in the European societies facing the ageing of the population together with the growing burden of chronic conditions and multi-morbidity.
Smart Health DIH is open for collaboration with international partners to accelerate innovations for delivering advanced, personalized, effective health care solutions.
Our Smart Health solutions combine mobile technological solutions, application development, sensor technology and data analysis with novel ideas on patient co-management, health monitoring and life quality improving digital solutions. Of no lesser importance is supplying digital tools and solutions to the market, that would enable health sector companies service clients better and introduce new ways of treating health related issues in much efficient ways. Smart Health DIH has the potential to deeply transform the healthcare sector. Entrepreneurs under Smart Health DIH umbrella combine a strong understanding of the technologies underlying Smart Health solutions with specialised knowledge of specific healthcare challenges, illnesses and afflictions, and with in-depth analysis of specific segments of the healthcare market. This allows us to spot radically new possibilities for care, cure, and prevention.

System is built as a solution integrating multiple healthcare institutions and letting patients choose and combine appointments to different specialties and locations. …
This new type of pulse diagnostic system is based on measurement and analysis of the radial artery sphygmograms. This system has new …
The system is created in cooperation of Vilnius University and Vilnius University Hospital Santariškių Klinikos and is called National Open Access Scientific …
The largest manufacturer of spectacle lenses in Northern Europe finally automated production & updated its advanced lens production software. Integrating production with …
A key goal in merging one of Lithuania’s biggest chains of polyclinics into a single legal entity was combination of the various …
At Santaros Hospital Advanced information technologies creates a new value for patients and health care services. For example, integrated infrastructure that includes …
Our Smart Health DIH solution partners offer hospitals and other healthcare organisations, as well as private customer, the opportunity to be more effective and efficient, significantly modernising healthcare delivery systems.
Our Smart Health DIH services are streamlined in 3 major directions:
Our software development services for Healthcare and Life Science institutions include custom software development, Cloud-based enterprise, AI-based and web application development and connected mobile application development.
Our primary purpose in manufacturing is to engineer, design, and build or revamp facilities that include a manufacturing process that produces an innovative, smart product to the Healthcare market.
Our health services are safe, affordable, high-quality, people-centered, innovative, smart and integrated, critical to achieving universal health coverage.
Digital health presents great potential across the whole spectrum of the cancer patient trajectory. However, there are many challenges to its full …
Praeitą savaitę startavo Europos skaitmeninių inovacijų centras Vilniaus regionui – EDIH VILNIUS, suteiksiantis unikalias galimybes ne tik Lietuvos verslui, bet ir viešajam …
2024-04-16 d. įvyko Projekto uždarymo konferencija „Pagalbos vaikams įveikiant trauminę patirtį galimybės, pasitelkiant TF-KET intervenciją“. Konferencijoje dalyvavo (įskaitant ir lektorius) 120 …
Lietuvoje projekto “Vaikų trauminės patirties įvertinimo ir intervencijos (TF-KET) metodikų diegimas Lietuvoje” įgyvendinimo metu validuotos įvairios vaikų trauminės patirties ir su ja …
Praeitą savaitę startavo Europos skaitmeninių inovacijų centras Vilniaus regionui – EDIH VILNIUS, suteiksiantis unikalias galimybes ne tik Lietuvos verslui, bet ir viešajam …
Š. m. balandžio 28 d. išmaniosios sveikatos skaitmeninių inovacijų centras VšĮ Smart Health DIH pasirašė bendradarbiavimo memorandumą su Taivano Pramonės technologijų tyrimų …
2022 January 12 the first national conference was held to disseminate the information on project activities. The conference was attended by more …
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